We pray that our Wonderful, Miraculous, Astonishing, Incredible Counselor Jesus Christ will advise, admonish and direct your path.
May God Bless You.
Zoom Bible Study Meeting
Wednesday Nights
at 7 PM


(All letters UPPERCASE)
Welcome to the Soul Saving Station Church in Georgetown, SC. We pray that our Wonderful, Miraculous, Astonishing, Incredible Counselor Jesus Christ will advise, admonish and direct your path. Our prayer is that God anoints you with fresh oil and that the Word of God illuminates your heart, mind, and spirit. We believe that the understanding and the application of the Word will transform your thinking and your life will be changed forever. You can access our website 24 hrs-a-day, 7 days a week! Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

May God Bless You,
Elder Dr. Robert L. Davis, Pastor

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